Archive for August, 2016

Mildred Pierce (Paperback)

August 18th, 2016  |  Published in Amazon reviews, e-news

Mildred Pierce is an engrossing deconstruction of American society. Much as Raymond Chandler portrays the dark, seamy side with classic noir tropes, Cain does the same with a more intimate, domestic setting and characters. Read the rest of this entry »

The Conjuring 2

August 18th, 2016  |  Published in Amazon reviews

This is a must watch for horror fans, but would also interest viewers who enjoy period dramas set in recent times. The Conjuring 2 is set in working class 1970’s England. Read the rest of this entry »

VCE Tip 5 – The Research Essentials for Area Study 2

August 18th, 2016  |  Published in e-news, English teacher resource

The Context


• You need to ensure you produce a bibliography, have followed appropriate protocols as set out by your school and that your style is consistent.
• As you undertake your research ensure that you take notes and think about how you might use material for SACS and the Exam.
• Your research needs to be both broad and focused.
• Avoid falling into the trap of becoming fascinated by an area of interest and manipulating the material to address your context.
• Research is difficult and time consuming, can seem fruitless, and progress slow. However, constructive research is never a waste of time. You are required to study texts outside school prescribed texts used as stimulus for your SACS. Ultimately, you need to familiarize yourself with a broad range of ideas and discussions within other texts. This will stimulate and add to your understanding of your context.
• You are expected to draw on your own research, ensure that it is relevant to your context and to use your material with style and originality. This area of study does not lend itself well to students who expect ready-made answers from teachers and tutors. Even when you demonstrate a sustained effort and thorough understanding of your class texts you are likely to produce a text type essay.
• If you are planning to attend a university be aware that a large component of your studies will require individual research. Read the rest of this entry »

VCE Tip 4 – Whose reality prompt

August 18th, 2016  |  Published in e-news, English teacher resource

‘Our subjectivity imprisons us in distorted, partial views of reality’.

Expository Model
Introduction Only

Each of us suffers from the partiality of our own vision of the world. We understand and interpret our experiences in individual ways because each of us is a unique individual. Hence, the world can only be seen with compromised objectivity and clarity. Read the rest of this entry »

VCE Tip 3 – Whose Reality

August 18th, 2016  |  Published in e-news, English teacher resource

Prompt: Our understanding of ourselves and our world is more dependent on illusion than reality.

Key ideas and words – Understanding of ourselves, Illusion, Reality Read the rest of this entry »

VCE Tip 2 – Hydrotherapy

August 18th, 2016  |  Published in e-news, English teacher resource

Study is very hard on your eyes. Books, screens and notes all tire your eyes. One way to relax your eyes is hydrotherapy. Get a bowl of hot water (not too hot) dip in a washcloth then hold it gently against your eyes for 30 seconds. Then do the same with another cloth in ice cold water, or an ice pack. Alternate the hot and cold, each for 30 seconds, for three minutes. This helps relieve your eyes and is relaxing for you generally.

VCE Tip 1 – Exam Pressure

August 18th, 2016  |  Published in e-news, English teacher resource

As the English Exam looms large year 12 students are most likely feeling the pressure of SAC (School Assessed Coursework) overload. This is not the time to take a break. Unit 4 and the Exam revision phase, which begins early term 3, require a greater degree of student commitment, responsibility and independent study. Read the rest of this entry »