December 7th, 2017 |
Published in
Dark Tales, Horror, traditional gothic
Dark Elixir

3 smouldering supernatural stories in the vein of traditional Gothic
The Compound blends steampunk with horror when 6 young people are subjected to a terrible experiment that ensures an unfamiliar horrors.
When the Bilsleigh family in House Hunters flee the city for a better life everything seems perfect until they unearth a mysterious object, setting off a series of catastrophic events.
Changeling, a darkly wicked Christmas horror story, where nothing is as it seems.

Dark Elixir distinguishes as a more varied compilation of stories from Voice in the Mirror by blending more mixed genres.
Voice in the Mirror includes 3 tales of haunting and possession. Each protagonist is a male. Dark Elixir explores more varied territory. The Compound hosts a female protagonist: Charlotte one of the victims of a horrific scientific experiment. The Changeling is an ensemble cast of family members who are confronted with dreadful truths about themselves. House Hunters features a middle aged professional male and father who is already dealing with family crisis when his children open Pandora’s Box.
November 26th, 2015 |
Published in
Amazon reviews, Horror, Reviews, Self Publishing, traditional gothic, Writer and Research

Writer and research work includes reading and reviewing the work of fiction and non-fiction writers
Reviews also extend to film and music.
I am currently ranked under 6,000 with a 86% helpful status among more than 33 million reviewers.
My latest reviews include:
Stephen King’s: Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Del Toro’s latest: film Crimson Peak
For something completely different: The Poldark Series (TV and novels)
Follow this link to my Amazon reviews and profile page.
June 22nd, 2015 |
Published in
American Gothic, Dark Tales, Horror, Reviews, Self Publishing, Writer and Research
Lovecraft’s own writing inspires horror writers to strive to write intelligent, thoughtful and well-crafted stories that don’t simply rely on gimmicks and cheap shocks. In his own words:
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June 8th, 2015 |
Published in
American Gothic, Dark Tales, film, historical fiction, Horror, Reviews, Thriller, Writer and Research
Film – The Raven

Film director, James Mc Teigue, draws thematically on the poem The Raven and the poet’s life. The poem depicts the narrator lamenting over lost love, where the raven is a messenger from the land of the dead and a symbol of death. Even though the narrator is haunted by the lover and death, the poem asserts that although death conquers life it doesn’t destroy love. This theme is embodied in the film where the fictitious Poe is prepared to surrender his life for his lover.
The film deviates from the poem and the facts of Poe’s life. Unlike, the poem, the film is a hybrid genre of historical fiction, Gothic horror, thriller and crime story. Laced with violence and gore, the film is not recommended for young viewers or the faint hearted. Mc Teigue’s thriller relies on a number of the Poe’s gruesome tales where a deranged fan sets about to re-enact some of Poe’s most grisly tales. He must be stopped before he works his way through Poe’s entire compilation of stories. This is a compelling and chilling thriller that sustains suspense throughout keeping viewers on edge until its grim finale.
April 24th, 2015 |
Published in
Dark Tales, film, Horror, Reviews, science fiction, Self Publishing, Social Issues, Writer and Research
I need ya, Deck…I need the old Bladerunner, I need your magic Read the rest of this entry »
April 16th, 2015 |
Published in
Dark Tales, film, Horror, Reviews, Writer and Research
Today I watched, It Follows, a traditional horror film. The main idea is that an entity follows people and kills them. You become pursued by the entity once you have had sex with the person who is currently being pursued by it.
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April 14th, 2015 |
Published in
Dark Tales, Horror, Reviews, Self Publishing, Writer and Research
Delphi Edition of the Complete Works of Bram Stoker Read the rest of this entry »
April 6th, 2015 |
Published in
Dark Tales, Horror, literary history, Reviews

A serious adult story must be true to something in life. Since marvel tales cannot be true to the events of life, they must shift their emphasis towards something to which they can be true; namely, certain wistful or restless moods of the human spirit, wherein it seeks to weave gossamer ladders of escape from the tyranny of time, space and natural law.
H P Lovecraft
My stories deal with the hidden and disguised; things we see that we do not recognise or that we wilfully put aside because they are too challenging. The characters in each story I write are forced to understand what they have ignored, potentially to their peril. In that sense, ‘the evil’ or the supernatural which wreaks havoc in characters’ lives can also be seen as beneficial. However, cruel and horrifying events in these stories are, these events also bring enlightenment, however partial or conditional.
Every serious writer of horror and the supernatural should read Lovecraft.